What is Enablix?

Enablix helps marketing teams manage and organize their important content. With Enablix, marketing can enable sales and other customer-facing team members with trusted content. In turn, the sales team has access to all the right content when they need it thereby improving sales productivity and efficiency.

Marketing teams use Enablix to meet three requirements:

Organize Important Content

Marketing teams are constantly creating and investing in content. However, this content tends to be in multiple formats, housed in different storage and content management systems. Furthermore, there are other content contributors whose content is valuable for the sales team. As a result, it is difficult for sales teams to find relevant and vetted content. With Enablix, marketers can create a central content hub to access all the vetted and trusted collateral. Marketers can organize content according to their company's business process and provide a central place to access content for sales and other customer-facing team members. 

Enable Sales with Content

Good content is an important resource for a successful sales process. The marketing team is responsible for enabling sales with the right content to close more deals. Content is also useful in sales coaching and training. Building a central hub where vetted content is easily found addresses a big efficiency drag on the marketing and sales process. Additionally, Enablix also helps recommend content in sales applications and systems (e.g. CRM). This means the sales team has access to the same trusted collateral in a CRM application without requiring to duplicate the content and manage it separately. And marketing can be assured that sales is working off the latest and trusted version of the content.

Measure Content Engagement

With Enablix, the marketing team has visibility into the effectiveness of their content. Marketing can measure which content is used by sales and which is not. They can identify trends and patterns in content usage and engagement. This information helps marketers make informed content investment decisions in the future. 

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