Enablix Glossary

We realize that there are some terms that are unique to Enablix, so we thought we'd give you a tour of some common terms and concepts you'll see.

Common Terms

Asset - An asset is an individual piece of content. Since Enablix supports files, URLs, and text, you can have both file and non-file assets.

Metadata - We refer to Content Types, Categories & Labels, and Properties as the Metadata.

Content Type - A Content Type defines the type of asset (blog, case study, presentation). When adding content, selecting a Content Type is required.

Attribute - The structure of a Content Type. Attributes are customizable. Defaults for Content Types include: file, URL, description, excerpt. Some common customizations are: multiple files or URLs, account, region, account.

Categories - Categories are the different ways you segment your company's business. For example, if you are a B2B software product company, you may have multiple solutions and target different regions and industries. In this example, your Categories are Solutions, Regions, and Industries.

Labels - Labels are individual values in a Category. Let's take the example of Industries Category. Say you sell your solution in HealthCare, Financial Services & Retail Industries. Then your Labels are HealthCareFinancial Services, and Retail for the Industries Category. 

Properties - Properties can be used to define users (user profile fields) and content. Some common Property use cases are: accounts, email type, image types, languages.

Access Values - Access Values are used to segment your content for specific user groups. For example, content that is only relevant to sales and not customer success, you can setup an access value 'For Sales.' This way, the content is only available to sales, and it doesn't clutter the portal for other teams who it may not be relevant to.

Shareable Value - The Shareable Value (Internal & Confidential or Externally Shareable) is whether the asset can be shared outside of the organization or not.

Links - Every time content is shared from Enablix, a unique link is created. When the recipient clicks on the link, that is how Enablix is tracking engagement.

Content Kits - A Content Kit is a Content Type that is a collection of assets for Enablix users. You create Content Kits to group related assets together for your team (events, product launches, sales kits/playbooks). Since Content Kits are an internal view, they are Internal & Confidential. You must be an Enablix user to access.

Microsite - A Microsite is a content type that is a collection of assets for external audiences. You create Microsites to group related assets together for your prospects and clients (demo follow up/prospect pages, customer pages, event pages). Microsites are an external facing web page view. Administrators can design templates for users to use to create personalized Microsites for their prospects and clients.

User Administration

System Role - System roles define the system rights for the user. Default system roles are: Consumer, Reporting User, Approved Contributor, Administrator. System roles and rights are customizable.

Business Role - Business roles define the functional role of a user. Some common business roles are: marketing, sales, customer success, implementation. Business roles can be used for reporting and be used when setting up access values.

Application User Interface Terms

Homepage - The Homepage is used to feature content to your organization. By default, there is one Homepage per Enablix portal. If required, you can have different homepage views for different teams. Only Administrators can configure the homepage. Updates to the Homepage happen in real time.

User Profile - A user can access their User Profile by clicking on their avatar icon in the upper-right hand corner. Here they can edit their user details (contact information), email notification settings, and integrations.

My Stuff - My Stuff is user reporting. A user can access My Stuff to see reporting on engagement of content they've shared.

My Content - Content added by the user. When adding content, it can be Published/Request to Publish or Save as My Content.

Content Manager - The Content Manager is where users can manage workflows and content related tasks. Only Administrators have full access in the Content Manager. This includes workflows for total portal management, as well as exporting the entire content library.

Insights - Unlike My Stuff where it's reporting for the individual user, Insights is total portal reporting. This includes not only reporting on engagement, but user activity and more. By default, System Roles Administrator, Approved Contributor, and Reporting user have access to Insights.

Company Settings  - Administrators can manage the different configurations of their Enablix portal from Company Settings. This includes user management, integrations, and portal branding.

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