Managing Homepage Sections

Administrators can manage homepage sections and tailor the homepage to their organization's content enablement needs. Administrators can configure the Homepage from Company Settings and navigating to the Homepage tab.

In this article we will discuss:

Please Note: All updates to the homepage are applicable to all the users and effective as soon as the update is made (adding a new section, disabling a section, updating assets displayed).

Add a Section

You can add as many numbers of sections as you want. We recommend you have content organized in different sections on the homepage. Displaying assets across different sections on the homepage helps the readability of the homepage.

Edit a Section

You can edit the name of the section and the display mode of the section. Display modes help you control the number of assets shown in the section on the homepage. There are two options for the display mode:

  • Show all assets on the homepage - In this mode, the portal will display all the available assets in that section on the homepage. 
  • Show 5 assets on the homepage - In this mode, the portal will display up to five assets on the homepage. And if there are more than five assets in that section, a See All link is displayed. The link takes a user to a page that shows all the content assets in that section. 

The image below shows two sections on a Homepage. The first section ( Featured Content) shows all assets on the homepage. The second section (Recently Accessed) shows five assets on the homepage. 

Delete a Section

You can delete sections from the Homepage tab in the company settings. However, you cannot delete system sections. System sections are Recently Accessed, Recently Added, Recommended, and Categories. If you do not want to see these sections on the homepage, you can always hide them by disabling them. 

Deleting a section does not delete the content assets included in that section on the homepage. 

Enable or Disable a Section

It is common for our customers to define several sections for the homepage. One easy way to manage these sections is to show or hide them depending on the requirements. You can hide a section by disabling it in the Homepage tab of the company settings. In the future, if you plan to reuse an earlier defined section, you can enable it, and it will appear on the homepage. 

Change the Order of a Section

You have an option to reorder the sections on the homepage. You reorder the sections by using the Move Up and Move Down arrows for each section in the Homepage tab of the company settings. 

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