User Role

Every user in Enablix has a system role. There are four default system roles: Administrator, Reporting User, Approved Contributor, Consumer. Watch our video overview for how to update system roles.

User system roles and permissions are customizable. If you are needing different requirement to fit your organization's business needs, please contact your Enablix Customer Success Manager or email us at


An administrator has full access to all the functions of the system. An administrator can:

  • Add and update content in the system (no approval required).
  • Add and update the portal's metadata (Content Types, Categories & Labels, Properties).
  • Add and update users.
  • Access Insights - full reporting of the portal (from user activity to content engagement).
  • Approve or reject a users' request approvals for content adds and updates.
  • Full access Content Manager - where an Administrator will maintain a quality content library.

Approved Contributor

An Approved Contributor is similar to a Consumer role, with the added permissions below:

  • Add or update content (no approval required)
  • Access Insights - full reporting of the portal (from user activity to content engagement)

Reporting User

A Reporting User is similar to a Consumer with the added permission below:

  • Access Insights - full reporting of the portal (from user activity to content engagement)


A Consumer is the end user of the application. For example, a member of your sales team will have the system role of a Consumer.

  • When adding or updating content, must request approval
    • If Saving as My Content, no approval required (only available to the user and any collaborators)
  • Share content
  • Access My Stuff - user reporting, where a user can see their content shares and track engagement
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