Content Manager

Enablix supports multiple workflows and some utilities to manage the content assets in the library. The Content Manager is a single place where administrators and end users can track these workflows.

The Content Manager supports the following functions:

  • Assets - Further search and filter for assets. You can also bulk update assets. You can also export searches or even your entire content library to a Excel spreadsheet.
  • Imports - Track the status of content imports.
  • My Request - Where a user can check the status of their requests for publishing content.
  • Requests - Administrators can approve or reject content requests and provide additional comments to the user who submitted the request.
  • Quality Issues - Each night Enablix does an overnight automated check for various quality issues such as Asset with Duplicate File/Title Name or Asset with Invalid URL. Administrators can check those issues here and make updates as needed to maintain a quality content library.
  • Verification - Setup at the Content Type level, Verification makes it easy to call out assets that may no longer be relevant. For example, if a Pricing Document was last added one year ago, an Administrator can come here to verify if it should stay in the portal (or archive/delete it).
  • Feedback - Track feedback comments across all content assets in one place.
  • Access Request - View pending access requests by users who are requesting access to content that their user profile does not allow.

Note: Not all tabs in the Content Manager are available to a user. What a user can and cannot access is dependent on the user's system role.

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